Raaga Banjara Public Playlists - Malayalam Songs Playlists - Bhakti Public Playlists All Subscriber Duration Rating play_arrow Favorite Share this playlist Tweet this playlist Bhakti 21 Tracks access_timeLast update : 2 years ago Play All # Track Default Default Title Rating Likes play_arrow playlist_add save_alt play_circle_outline AmbaravarnaSingers: Chitra Album: Theerthadanam playlist_add play_arrow+ 0 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track play_circle_outline Achutham KesavamSingers: Chitra Album: Sandhyadeepam playlist_add play_arrow+ 5 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track play_circle_outline AmbalappuzhaSingers: P. Jayachandran Album: Theerthadanam playlist_add play_arrow+ 0 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track play_circle_outline Amme NarayanaSingers: Unni Menon Album: Amme Narayana Devi Narayana - Vol 1 playlist_add play_arrow+ 3 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track play_circle_outline Anjana SreedharaSingers: Chitra Album: Sandhyadeepam playlist_add play_arrow+ 4 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track play_circle_outline Daridrya Dahana Siva SthothramSingers: G. Venugopal Album: Shiva Sthuthi playlist_add play_arrow+ 0 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track play_circle_outline Govinda Rama RamaSingers: Chitra Album: Sandhyadeepam playlist_add play_arrow+ 5 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track play_circle_outline Hara Haro HaraSingers: Vinod Album: Theerthadanam playlist_add play_arrow+ 0 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track play_circle_outline Jaya Ganesa DevaSingers: P. Jayachandran Album: Theerthadanam playlist_add play_arrow+ 0 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track play_circle_outline Jaya Jaya Devi Durga DeviSingers: Mahanadhi Shobana Album: Sri Ashtalakshmi playlist_add play_arrow+ 4 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track play_circle_outline Kaadampugazh BagavathySingers: P. Jayachandran Album: Archana playlist_add play_arrow+ 4 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track play_circle_outline AnnapoorneSingers: Radhika Thilak Album: Archana playlist_add play_arrow+ 1 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track play_circle_outline Thiru VaikamSingers: P. Jayachandran Album: Archana playlist_add play_arrow+ 0 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track play_circle_outline ThudumizhithumbilSingers: Radhika Thilak Album: Archana playlist_add play_arrow+ 5 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track play_circle_outline ChottranikkaraSingers: P. Jayachandran Album: Archana playlist_add play_arrow+ 5 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track play_circle_outline KaadampuzhamevumSingers: Sujatha Album: Archana playlist_add play_arrow+ 3 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track play_circle_outline Sri PadmanabhanteSingers: P. Jayachandran Album: Archana playlist_add play_arrow+ 4 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track play_circle_outline Ambike JagathambikeSingers: P. Jayachandran Album: Archana playlist_add play_arrow+ 3 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track play_circle_outline Krishna Njan NinteSingers: Radhika Thilak Album: Archana playlist_add play_arrow+ 4 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track play_circle_outline Paahi ParvathaSingers: Chitra Album: Archana playlist_add play_arrow+ 4 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track play_circle_outline Paahi PaahiSingers: P. Jayachandran Album: Archana playlist_add play_arrow+ 4 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track See more... 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