Indranil Datta songs Raaga Bengali Singers Indranil Datta Follow 0followers Indranil Datta 9 Songs Share Embed Indranil Datta songs, Indranil Datta hits, Download Indranil Datta Mp3 songs, music videos, interviews, non-stop channel Home Albums Songs Recently Played Followers Play All Queue Add to Playlist Share 1 Ramkrishna Bhajan Ramkrishna Bhajan Indranil Datta, Trishit Chowdhury 2 Tumi Chole Jabe Tumi Chole Jabe Indranil Datta 3 Oi Shyama Bama Ke Oi Shyama Bama Ke Indranil Datta 4 Abhoy Pode Pran Sopechi Abhoy Pode Pran Sopechi Indranil Datta 5 Shoto Name Koto Jone Dake Je Tomay Shoto Name Koto Jone Dake Je Tomay Indranil Datta 6 Somoy To Thakbe Na Somoy To Thakbe Na Indranil Datta 7 Amar Maa Twanghi Tara Amar Maa Twanghi Tara Indranil Datta 8 Dibanishi Bhabo Re Mon Dibanishi Bhabo Re Mon Indranil Datta 9 Somoy To Thakbe Na Go Maa Somoy To Thakbe Na Go Maa Indranil Datta