Raaga English Public Playlists - English Songs Playlists - Rashid Khan Public Playlists All Subscriber Duration Rating play_arrow Favorite Share this playlist Tweet this playlist Rashid Khan 21 Tracks access_timeLast update : 4 years ago Play All # Track Default Default Title Rating Likes play_arrow playlist_add save_alt play_circle_outline Raag BehagSingers: Ustad Rashid Khan Album: Live At Sunny Towers Vol - 3 playlist_add play_arrow+ 4 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track play_circle_outline Shuddha SarangSingers: Ustad Rashid Khan Album: Sings Shuddha Sarang playlist_add play_arrow+ 5 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track play_circle_outline Raag - Shuddha KalyanSingers: Ustad Rashid Khan Album: A Tribute To A Living Legend playlist_add play_arrow+ 5 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track play_circle_outline Albela Sajan Aayo Re Raga Ahir Bhairav Tala AdiSingers: Ustad Rashid Khan Album: Albela Sajan Aayo Re playlist_add play_arrow+ 0 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track play_circle_outline Raag YamanSingers: Ustad Rashid Khan Album: Live At Sunny Towers Vol - 1 playlist_add play_arrow+ 4 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track play_circle_outline Raag - Shuddha KalyanSingers: Ustad Rashid Khan Album: Atribute To Living Legend playlist_add play_arrow+ 0 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track play_circle_outline Raag RageshriSingers: Ustad Rashid Khan Album: Live At Sunny Towers Vol - 2 playlist_add play_arrow+ 5 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track play_circle_outline Raag PuriyaSingers: Ustad Rashid Khan Album: Live At Sunny Towers Vol - 4 playlist_add play_arrow+ 5 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track play_circle_outline Peer Nijamudin Nainan Me Raga Multani Tala AdiSingers: Ustad Rashid Khan Album: Albela Sajan Aayo Re playlist_add play_arrow+ 0 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track play_circle_outline Raag ChhayanatSingers: Ustad Rashid Khan Album: Live At Sunny Towers Vol - 2 playlist_add play_arrow+ 5 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track play_circle_outline Karam Kar Deeje Tarana Raga Desh Tala AdiSingers: Ustad Rashid Khan Album: Albela Sajan Aayo Re playlist_add play_arrow+ 0 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track play_circle_outline Aaj Radha Braj Ko Chali Raga Bhairavi Tala AdiSingers: Ustad Rashid Khan Album: Albela Sajan Aayo Re playlist_add play_arrow+ 10 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track play_circle_outline Raag BehagSingers: Ustad Rashid Khan, Ananda Gopal Banerjee Album: The Maestro In Ustad Rashid Khan playlist_add play_arrow+ 0 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track play_circle_outline Aali Re Raga Chandradhwani Tala AdiSingers: Ustad Rashid Khan Album: Albela Sajan Aayo Re playlist_add play_arrow+ 0 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track play_circle_outline Raag KedarSingers: Ustad Rashid Khan, Ananda Gopal Banerjee Album: The Maestro In Ustad Rashid Khan playlist_add play_arrow+ 0 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track play_circle_outline Raag DeshSingers: Ustad Rashid Khan Album: Live At Sunny Towers Vol - 2 playlist_add play_arrow+ 5 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track play_circle_outline Raag ChhayanatSingers: Ustad Rashid Khan, Ananda Gopal Banerjee Album: The Maestro In Ustad Rashid Khan playlist_add play_arrow+ 0 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track play_circle_outline Raag - RagesriSingers: Ustad Rashid Khan, Ananda Gopal Banerjee Album: The Maestro In Ustad Rashid Khan playlist_add play_arrow+ 0 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track play_circle_outline Raag YamanSingers: Ustad Rashid Khan, Ananda Gopal Banerjee Album: The Maestro In Ustad Rashid Khan playlist_add play_arrow+ 0 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track play_circle_outline Raag - DeshSingers: Ustad Rashid Khan, Ananda Gopal Banerjee Album: The Maestro In Ustad Rashid Khan playlist_add play_arrow+ 0 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track See more... 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