Raaga Kashmiri Public Playlists - Telugu Songs Playlists - TELUGU JANAPADALU Public Playlists All Best Wishes Congratulations Good Luck Thank You Stay in Touch Farewell Cheer up Get Well Consolation Subscriber Duration Rating play_arrow Favorite Share this playlist Tweet this playlist TELUGU JANAPADALU 39 Tracks access_timeLast update : 14 years ago Play All # Track Default Default Title Rating Likes play_arrow playlist_add save_alt play_circle_outline Challa Challani ThalliSingers: Srilekha Parthasarathy Album: Bhakthi Janapadalu playlist_add play_arrow+ 4 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track play_circle_outline Chellela EkkadikiSingers: Muralidhar, Renuka Album: Bhakthi Janapadalu playlist_add play_arrow+ 4 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track play_circle_outline Jodedlu BandikattiSingers: Ramu Album: Bhakthi Janapadalu playlist_add play_arrow+ 3 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track play_circle_outline Konda KondalanadumaSingers: A. Rama Devi Album: Bhakthi Janapadalu playlist_add play_arrow+ 2 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track play_circle_outline Nagulammo NagulammaSingers: Kannam Srinivas Album: Bhakthi Janapadalu playlist_add play_arrow+ 3 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track play_circle_outline Podam Podam Tirupathi PodamSingers: Sarangapani Album: Bhakthi Janapadalu playlist_add play_arrow+ 3 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track play_circle_outline Siva Siva Murthivi GananadhaSingers: Beri Uma Mahesh Album: Bhakthi Janapadalu playlist_add play_arrow+ 3 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track play_circle_outline Anakapalli NookalammaSingers: Lalitha Sagari Album: Bhakthi Janapadalu playlist_add play_arrow+ 1 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track play_circle_outline Dandalo SimmadirappannaSingers: Sarangapani Album: Bhakthi Janapadalu playlist_add play_arrow+ 5 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track play_circle_outline Koyila PadindiSingers: Sarangapani Album: Bhakthi Janapadalu playlist_add play_arrow+ 1 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track See more... Other Playlists Song Song Song Song Song Song Song boopathy playlist_add Create Playlist You May also like