Raaga Malayalam Songs Malayalam Songs Tamil Telugu Hindi Malayalam Kannada Carnatic Hindustani Gujarati Punjabi Bhojpuri Bengali Sanskrit Marathi Fusion World music Nirvana Rajasthani Haryanvi # Track Play All queue_music playlist_add 1 play_arrow Annapoorne [3:53] Singers: Shivahari Varma save_altDownload more_horiz playlist_addAdd to Playlist queue_musicAdd to Queue favoriteAdd to Favorites shareShare the track save_altDownload track 2 play_arrow Tharangal Padunne [4:14] Singers: Rex Vijayan save_altDownload more_horiz playlist_addAdd to Playlist queue_musicAdd to Queue favoriteAdd to Favorites shareShare the track save_altDownload track 3 play_arrow Marco - Theme 1 [1:44] Singers: Ravi Basrur, Santhosh Venky, Vijay Basrur, Krishna Basrur, Nagaprakash KotaBasrur, Jagadish Venky save_altDownload more_horiz playlist_addAdd to Playlist queue_musicAdd to Queue favoriteAdd to Favorites shareShare the track save_altDownload track 4 play_arrow Aattuthottil [3:40] Singers: P. Jayachandran save_altDownload more_horiz playlist_addAdd to Playlist queue_musicAdd to Queue favoriteAdd to Favorites shareShare the track save_altDownload track 5 play_arrow Aaro Nenjil (Desi Mix) [4:09] Singers: Gowry Lekshmi save_altDownload more_horiz playlist_addAdd to Playlist queue_musicAdd to Queue favoriteAdd to Favorites shareShare the track save_altDownload track 6 play_arrow Omal Thamara [3:53] Singers: Yadhu S Marar, Shaan Rahman save_altDownload more_horiz playlist_addAdd to Playlist queue_musicAdd to Queue favoriteAdd to Favorites shareShare the track save_altDownload track 7 play_arrow Vandu Njan [3:09] Singers: Shahabaz Aman save_altDownload more_horiz playlist_addAdd to Playlist queue_musicAdd to Queue favoriteAdd to Favorites shareShare the track save_altDownload track 8 play_arrow Chemmanam [4:18] Singers: Saju Sreenivas save_altDownload more_horiz playlist_addAdd to Playlist queue_musicAdd to Queue favoriteAdd to Favorites shareShare the track save_altDownload track 9 play_arrow Vidathe [4:29] Singers: Nakshathra Santhosh save_altDownload more_horiz playlist_addAdd to Playlist queue_musicAdd to Queue favoriteAdd to Favorites shareShare the track save_altDownload track 10 play_arrow Phoenix - Theme [1:21] Singers: Sam CS save_altDownload more_horiz playlist_addAdd to Playlist queue_musicAdd to Queue favoriteAdd to Favorites shareShare the track save_altDownload track 11 play_arrow The End [1:31] save_altDownload more_horiz playlist_addAdd to Playlist queue_musicAdd to Queue favoriteAdd to Favorites shareShare the track save_altDownload track 12 play_arrow Beginning [1:07] Singers: Sam CS save_altDownload more_horiz playlist_addAdd to Playlist queue_musicAdd to Queue favoriteAdd to Favorites shareShare the track save_altDownload track 13 play_arrow I Am Alone [1:34] Singers: Rahul Subrahmanian save_altDownload more_horiz playlist_addAdd to Playlist queue_musicAdd to Queue favoriteAdd to Favorites shareShare the track save_altDownload track 14 play_arrow Marco - Theme 1 [1:44] Singers: Ravi Basrur, Santhosh Venky, Vijay Basrur, Krishna Basrur, Nagaprakash KotaBasrur, Jagadish Venky save_altDownload more_horiz playlist_addAdd to Playlist queue_musicAdd to Queue favoriteAdd to Favorites shareShare the track save_altDownload track 15 play_arrow Heart Of Oliver Twist [1:30] Singers: Rahul Subrahmanian save_altDownload more_horiz playlist_addAdd to Playlist queue_musicAdd to Queue favoriteAdd to Favorites shareShare the track save_altDownload track 16 play_arrow Kanda Kanda [4:26] Singers: Gowry Lekshmi, Srinda, Sreenath Bhasi save_altDownload more_horiz playlist_addAdd to Playlist queue_musicAdd to Queue favoriteAdd to Favorites shareShare the track save_altDownload track 17 play_arrow Heart Of Oliver Twist [1:30] Singers: Rahul Subrahmanian save_altDownload more_horiz playlist_addAdd to Playlist queue_musicAdd to Queue favoriteAdd to Favorites shareShare the track save_altDownload track 18 play_arrow Welcome Home [4:04] Singers: Rahul Subrahmanian save_altDownload more_horiz playlist_addAdd to Playlist queue_musicAdd to Queue favoriteAdd to Favorites shareShare the track save_altDownload track 19 play_arrow Vathilil [5:51] Singers: Haricharan save_altDownload more_horiz playlist_addAdd to Playlist queue_musicAdd to Queue favoriteAdd to Favorites shareShare the track save_altDownload track 20 play_arrow Itha Vazhi Maariyodunnu (Karaoke) [4:55] Singers: Rahul Subrahmanian save_altDownload more_horiz playlist_addAdd to Playlist queue_musicAdd to Queue favoriteAdd to Favorites shareShare the track save_altDownload track