Raaga Malayalam Public Playlists - Malayalam Songs Playlists - Karthik Public Playlists Subscriber Duration Rating play_arrow Favorite Share this playlist Tweet this playlist Karthik 28 Tracks access_timeLast update : 12 years ago Play All # Track Default Default Title Rating Likes play_arrow playlist_add save_alt play_circle_outline En Jodi ManjakuruviSingers: SP. Balasubramaniam, SP. Shailaja, Gangai Amaran, Chitra Album: Vikram playlist_add play_arrow+ 4 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track play_circle_outline Muthu Mani MaalaiSingers: SP. Balasubramaniam, Susheela Album: Chinna Gounder playlist_add play_arrow+ 4 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track play_circle_outline Chikku Bukku ChikkuSingers: Chinna Ponnu Album: Madha Gaja Raja playlist_add play_arrow+ 4 more_horiz playlist_addAdd to a Playlist Add to Favorite shareShare the track save_altDownload Track Other Playlists Chitra Vibes 50 Song Adhinath 5 Song Nostalgia 24 Song Arshhh 12 Song Love 12 Song Mohan Sithara Hits 50 Song MG. Sreekumar Hits 50 Song S SELVAKARTHIK playlist_add Create Playlist You May also like Nostalgia24 Songs play_circle_outline Vipin Ctk ME & MINE3 Songs play_circle_outline Neethu Babu Mohan Sithara Hits50 Songs play_circle_outline raagauser Arshhh12 Songs play_circle_outline Arshad Arsh MG. Sreekumar Hits50 Songs play_circle_outline raagauser