NS. Prakash Rao songs Raaga Sanskrit Singers NS. Prakash Rao Follow 18followers NS. Prakash Rao 85 Songs play_arrowPlay Radio Share Embed Related Artists All NS. Prakash Rao songs, NS. Prakash Rao hits, Download NS. Prakash Rao Mp3 songs, music videos, interviews, non-stop channel Home Albums Songs Recently Played Followers Sort By : Popular A-Z Recent Filter Album Sakala Devatha Ashtothra Satha Naamavali Sri Raghvendra Suprabatham Hayagreeva Stothram, Kavasam And Pancharam Sakala Devatha Gayathri Manthravali - Vol 1 Sakala Devatha Gayathri Manthravali - Vol 6 Suprabatham And Sri Vishnu Sahasra Namam Sakala Devatha Gayathri Manthravali - Vol 2 Sakala Devatha Gayathri Manthravali - Vol 5 Sri Varahi Slokas Sri Vishnu Sahasra Nama Gayathri Manthram Sakala Devatha Gayathri Manthravali - Vol 3 Srinivasa Gayathri Manthram Shiva Gayathri Manthram Sri Siva Mahimnah Stothram Sri Aadi Shankaracharyas Bilvashothara Sathanamavali