महाभारत युद्ध के दौरान कुरुक्षेत्र के क्षेत्र में भगवान कृष्ण ने अर्जुन को जो ज्ञान दिया था, वह गीता के नाम से जाना जाने लगा। गीता में जीवन की सभी समस्याओं का समाधान है।
The knowledge that Lord Krishna had given to Arjuna during the Mahabharata war in the field of Kurukshetra came to be known as Gita. There is a solution to all the problems of life in Gita.
20 Episodes
access_time3 years ago
जिसको योग मिल गया हो उसका ऐश्वर्य उसका वैभव कैसा होता है इसकी व्याख्या करते हुए कृष्णा अर्जुन को ज्ञान की विशेषताओं के साथ बताते है
Explaining how the splendor of one who has got yoga is his glory, Krishna tells Arjuna with the characteristics of knowledge.
Explaining how the splendor of one who has got yoga is his glory, Krishna tells Arjuna with the characteristics of knowledge.
access_time3 years ago
हमारी साइंस हर रोज़ बदलती है हर रोज़ ब्रह्मांड की एक नयी परत खुलती है हजारो साल बाद भी गीता का ज्ञान नहीं बदला आठवे अध्याय में ब्रह्मा आध्यात्म और कर्मा के बारे में बात होगी
Our science changes every day; A new layer of the universe opens every day. Even after thousands of years, the knowledge of the Gita has not changed. In the eighth chapter, there will be talk about Brahma spirituality and Karma.
Our science changes every day; A new layer of the universe opens every day. Even after thousands of years, the knowledge of the Gita has not changed. In the eighth chapter, there will be talk about Brahma spirituality and Karma.
access_time3 years ago
ज्ञान विज्ञान योग गीता के हर अध्याय से हमारे जीवन के विषय में जानकारी मिलती है सातवें अध्याय में कृष्ण बताते है की ज्ञान क्या होता है और विज्ञान क्या होता है |
Every chapter of Gyan Vigyan Yog Gita provides information about our life, in the seventh chapter, Krishna explains what is knowledge and what is science.
Every chapter of Gyan Vigyan Yog Gita provides information about our life, in the seventh chapter, Krishna explains what is knowledge and what is science.
access_time3 years ago
आत्म संयम योग | हमारे कितने ही जन्म हो चुके है यह हम नहीं जानते पर यह जानते है, कि हममे इतनी समझ है कि गीता को सुनकर पढ़कर उसके ज्ञान को समझ सके |
We do not know how many births we have taken for self-control, but we know that we have enough understanding to read the Gita and understand its knowledge.
We do not know how many births we have taken for self-control, but we know that we have enough understanding to read the Gita and understand its knowledge.
access_time3 years ago
आदमी का स्वभाव उसकी प्रकृति के अनुसार होता है आपके स्वभाव के अनुसार ही निश्चित होते हैं आप अपने जीवन में क्या करेंगे क्योंकि स्वभाव से कल बनता है और कर्म से उसका फल मिलता है इसलिए अपने जीवन में ऐसा फल मिलेगा यह जानने के लिए कुछ हमारे अंदर ही है उसे समझने और सामने लाने की जरूरत होती है
Nature of man is according to his nature According to your nature you are determined what you will do in your life because by nature
Tomorrow is made and it results from karma, so to know that you will get such fruit in your life, something is inside us and it needs to be understood and brought to the forward.
Nature of man is according to his nature According to your nature you are determined what you will do in your life because by nature
Tomorrow is made and it results from karma, so to know that you will get such fruit in your life, something is inside us and it needs to be understood and brought to the forward.
access_time3 years ago
कर्म सन्यास योग के बारे में दुनिया में कुछ अलग करना है तो कुछ अलग जानना ही होगा अर्जुन पूछते हैं प्रभु आप मेरे लिए सही है तो बताइए
If you want to do something different in the world about Karma Sannyas Yoga, then you have to know something different, Arjun asks, Lord, if you are right for me, tell me
If you want to do something different in the world about Karma Sannyas Yoga, then you have to know something different, Arjun asks, Lord, if you are right for me, tell me
access_time3 years ago
अर्जुन के कन्फ्यूजन की स्थिति को दूर करने के लिए कृष्ण कहते हैं कि कर्म क्या है और अकर्म क्या है इसका निर्णय करने में बुद्धिमान पुरुष भी मोहित हो जाते हैं इसलिए तो कर्म तत्व को समझा कर कहूंगा
To overcome Arjuna's state of Confusion, Krishna says that intelligent men are also fascinated in deciding what is Karma and what is Karma, that is why they will explain the Karma Tatva.
To overcome Arjuna's state of Confusion, Krishna says that intelligent men are also fascinated in deciding what is Karma and what is Karma, that is why they will explain the Karma Tatva.
access_time3 years ago
जिसमें ज्ञान कर्म सन्यास योग के बारे में कृष्ण बताते हैं मैंने यह कभी खत्म ना होने वाले ज्ञान को सूर्य से कहा था अर्थात ज्ञान योगऔर कर्म योग भगवान श्री कृष्ण इसी योगकी जानकारी देते हैं
In which Krishna tells about Jnana Karma Sannyas Yoga, I told this never ending knowledge to Surya i.e. Gyan Yoga and Karma Yog Lord Shri Krishna gives information about this yog.
In which Krishna tells about Jnana Karma Sannyas Yoga, I told this never ending knowledge to Surya i.e. Gyan Yoga and Karma Yog Lord Shri Krishna gives information about this yog.
access_time3 years ago
श्री कृष्ण कहते हैं जो मनुष्य आत्मा में ही रहने वाला होता है उसके लिए कोई कर्तव्य नहीं आत्मा का मतलब सबसे बड़ा सच बताया है इसलिए जिसे ज्ञान हो जाता है आत्मा को जान जाता है उसके लिए कोई कर्तव्य नहीं है
Shri Krishna says that for a man who lives in the soul, there is no duty for him, the soul has told the biggest truth, so one who gets knowledge, knows the soul, there is no duty for him.
Shri Krishna says that for a man who lives in the soul, there is no duty for him, the soul has told the biggest truth, so one who gets knowledge, knows the soul, there is no duty for him.
access_time3 years ago
कर्म तो हर पल हर समय हम सब करते हैं पर कुछ कर्म झूठ से भरे होते हैं और कर्म कर्तव्य के लिए होते हैं तो फिर ऐसे कर्म से कौन है जो हमें हमारे लक्ष्य तक ले जा पाएंगे ?
Karma is done every moment of every moment, but some actions are full of lies and actions are for duty, then who is there with such action that will lead us to our goal?
Karma is done every moment of every moment, but some actions are full of lies and actions are for duty, then who is there with such action that will lead us to our goal?
access_time3 years ago
कृष्ण कर्म की विशेषता बताते हैं वह कहते हैं वेद भी तीन गुणों में ही सीमित हो जाते हैं वह कहते हैं कल करो पर उसमें आसक्ति नहीं रखो
Krishna explains the speciality of Krishna Karma. He says that Vedas also become limited in three qualities. He says do it tomorrow but do not indulge in it.
Krishna explains the speciality of Krishna Karma. He says that Vedas also become limited in three qualities. He says do it tomorrow but do not indulge in it.
access_time3 years ago
कृष्ण कहते हैं संपूर्ण प्राणी जन्म से पहले प्रकट थे और मरने के बाद भी प्रकट होने वाले हैं सिर्फ बीच में ही प्रकट हैं फिर ऐसी स्थिति में शोक क्यों
Krishna says that entire beings were manifested before birth and are going to appear even after death, only they appear in the middle, then why mourning in such a situation.
Krishna says that entire beings were manifested before birth and are going to appear even after death, only they appear in the middle, then why mourning in such a situation.
access_time3 years ago
श्री कृष्णा कहते हैं आत्मा की विशेषता और कहते हैं सत्य और असत्य में क्या अंतर है सुख और दुख दोनों आने जाने वाले हैं|
Shri Krishna says the speciality of the soul and says what is the difference between truth and untruth, both happiness and sorrow are going to come and go.
Shri Krishna says the speciality of the soul and says what is the difference between truth and untruth, both happiness and sorrow are going to come and go.
access_time3 years ago
इसमें अर्जुन की कायरता तथा उसके भ्रम को लेकर विश्लेषण है संजय अर्जुन की स्थिति के बारे में बताते हैं | अर्जुन बहुत दुखी हैं तो कृष्ण उसे समझाते हुए उसे ज्ञान देते हैं |
It contains an analysis of Arjuna's cowardice and his illusions. Sanjay tells about Arjuna's condition, Arjuna is very unhappy, Krishna explains it and gives him knowledge.
It contains an analysis of Arjuna's cowardice and his illusions. Sanjay tells about Arjuna's condition, Arjuna is very unhappy, Krishna explains it and gives him knowledge.
access_time3 years ago
गीता में कृष्ण ने बताया है कि घमंड बुरी चीज है
कौरव और पांडव सेना का विस्तार संजय द्वारा धृतराष्ट्र को बताया जा रहा है
In the Gita, Krishna has said that arrogance is a bad thing.
The expansion of Kaurava and Pandava army is being told by Sanjay to Dhritarashtra.
कौरव और पांडव सेना का विस्तार संजय द्वारा धृतराष्ट्र को बताया जा रहा है
In the Gita, Krishna has said that arrogance is a bad thing.
The expansion of Kaurava and Pandava army is being told by Sanjay to Dhritarashtra.
access_time3 years ago
धृतराष्ट्र पूछते हैं कि युद्ध में क्या हो रहा है और संजय युद्ध में लोगों की स्थिति बताते हैं
Dhritarashtra asks what is happening in the war and Sanjay tells the situation of the people in the war.
Dhritarashtra asks what is happening in the war and Sanjay tells the situation of the people in the war.
access_time3 years ago
गीता में क्या विशेष है? गीता में विशेष है श्री कृष्ण | गीता की क्या विशेषताएँ हैं ? गीता में हर सवाल हर संदेह का जवाब है अर्जुन की ही नहीं हर सवाल और शंका का समाधान है गीता |
What is special in the Gita? In the gita Shree Krishna is special. What are the characteristics of gita? Gita is not only the answer to Arjun’s Question and doubts bit is the solution for all the questions and doubts.
What is special in the Gita? In the gita Shree Krishna is special. What are the characteristics of gita? Gita is not only the answer to Arjun’s Question and doubts bit is the solution for all the questions and doubts.
access_time3 years ago
गीता में हर इंसान में तीन गुणों को बताया गया है गीता में कृष्ण अर्जुन से कहते हैं इस सृष्टि की रचना तीन गुणों से हुई है और कहते हैं मैं ही ब्रह्म रूप में चेतन रूपी बीज को स्थापित करता हूं
In the Gita, three qualities have been told in every human being. In the Gita, Krishna says to Arjuna that this creation is composed of three qualities and says that I am the one who installs the seed of consciousness in the form of Brahma.
In the Gita, three qualities have been told in every human being. In the Gita, Krishna says to Arjuna that this creation is composed of three qualities and says that I am the one who installs the seed of consciousness in the form of Brahma.
access_time3 years ago
गीता का उद्देश्य मानव जीवन की आध्यात्मिक मुक्ति है गीता में कुछ सामान्य लक्ष्य की पहचान की गई है और ईश्वर का उल्लेख किया है
The purpose of Gita is spiritual liberation of human life. Some common goals have been identified in Gita and mentioned God.
The purpose of Gita is spiritual liberation of human life. Some common goals have been identified in Gita and mentioned God.
access_time3 years ago
गीता की बातें मनुष्य को सही तरह से जीवन जीने का रास्ता दिखाती हैं। गीता के उपदेश हमें धर्म के मार्ग पर चलते हुए अच्छे कर्म करने की शिक्षा देते हैं।
The words of the Gita show man the way to live life in the right way. The teachings of Gita teach us to do good deeds while following the path of Dharma.
The words of the Gita show man the way to live life in the right way. The teachings of Gita teach us to do good deeds while following the path of Dharma.