Miss Pooja Punjabi Hits "Alexa, play Miss Pooja Punjabi Hits songs from raaga dot com" # Track Default Default Title Rating Play All queue_music playlist_add 1 play_arrow Na Tera [4:50] Singers: Miss Pooja Lyricist: Ratan save_altDownload more_horiz playlist_addAdd to Playlist queue_musicAdd to Queue favoriteAdd to Favorites shareShare the track save_altDownload track 2 play_arrow Kabaddi [4:59] Singers: Miss Pooja Lyricist: Ratan save_altDownload more_horiz playlist_addAdd to Playlist queue_musicAdd to Queue favoriteAdd to Favorites shareShare the track save_altDownload track 3 play_arrow Driver [4:22] Singers: Miss Pooja Lyricist: Ratan save_altDownload more_horiz playlist_addAdd to Playlist queue_musicAdd to Queue favoriteAdd to Favorites shareShare the track save_altDownload track 4 play_arrow Dil Vi Tera [5:15] Singers: Miss Pooja Lyricist: Ratan save_altDownload more_horiz playlist_addAdd to Playlist queue_musicAdd to Queue favoriteAdd to Favorites shareShare the track save_altDownload track 5 play_arrow Jaan Jaan [5:54] Singers: Miss Pooja Lyricist: Ratan save_altDownload more_horiz playlist_addAdd to Playlist queue_musicAdd to Queue favoriteAdd to Favorites shareShare the track save_altDownload track 6 play_arrow Vafa [5:58] Singers: Miss Pooja Lyricist: Ratan save_altDownload more_horiz playlist_addAdd to Playlist queue_musicAdd to Queue favoriteAdd to Favorites shareShare the track save_altDownload track 7 play_arrow Gun [4:53] Singers: Miss Pooja Lyricist: Ratan save_altDownload more_horiz playlist_addAdd to Playlist queue_musicAdd to Queue favoriteAdd to Favorites shareShare the track save_altDownload track 8 play_arrow Nachna [4:21] Singers: Miss Pooja Lyricist: Ratan save_altDownload more_horiz playlist_addAdd to Playlist queue_musicAdd to Queue favoriteAdd to Favorites shareShare the track save_altDownload track Artists Miss PoojaSinger Follow