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D.L - The Key Document
Bottom Line Glitz Digital
access_time4 years ago
The first document verified 1 during accidents
ஒருமுறை PF கட்டினால் Life-Long Income? Dr Somavalliappan
Dr. Soma Valliyappan is a Tamil writer, speaker, trainer, and an expert in the areas of Human Resource Management, Personality development, and Financial Investments.
மத்திய அரசு செய்யத் தவறியது : Dr. Soma valliappan
Soma Valliyappan is an Indian writer of Tamil ancestry, speaker, trainer, and an expert in the areas of Human Resource Management, Personality development, and Financial Investments.
இதுவரை கிடைத்த சலுகைகள் இனி கிடைக்குமா ? Dr Soma Valliappan
Soma Valliappan is an Indian writer of Tamil ancestry, speaker, trainer, and an expert in the areas of Human Resource Management, Personality development, and Financial Investments.
Middle Class மக்களுக்கு இதில் என்ன தீர்வு? Dr Soma Valliappan
Soma Valliappan is an Indian writer of Tamil ancestry, speaker, trainer, and an expert in the areas of Human Resource Management, Personality development, and Financial Investments.
தனியார் வங்கிகளை இனி நம்பலாமா..? | Dr Soma Valliappan
Discription Somavalliyappan: Soma Valliyappan is an Indian writer of Tamil ancestry, speaker, trainer, and an expert in the areas of Human Resource Management, Personality development, and Financial Investments.
இந்தியாவிற்கு அதிர்ஷ்டம் அடிச்சது உண்மையா ? | Dr Soma Valliappan
Soma Valliyappan is an Indian writer of Tamil ancestry, speaker, trainer, and an expert in the areas of Human Resource Management, Personality development, and Financial Investments.
ஓய்வுக்கு பின்னரும் வருமானம் வேணுமா ? | Dr Somavalliappan
Pension plans also known as retirement plans are investment plans that lets you allocate a part of your savings to accumulate over a period of time and provide you with steady income after retirement. Even if a person has a good amount of savings, a pension plan is nevertheless crucial.
வரி விலக்கு இனி இல்லை ? : Budget 2020 Full Explanation
Dr. Soma Valliyappan is a Tamil writer, speaker, trainer, and an expert in the areas of Human Resource Management, Personality Development, and Financial Investments.
உதவி செய்வதுபோல ஏமாத்திடுவாங்க! | Soma Valliappan
Soma Valliappan is an Indian writer of Tamil ancestry, speaker, trainer, and an expert in the areas of Human Resource Management, Personality Development, and Financial Investments. He has written over 45 books in Tamil and English on various subjects including self-development, the stock...
Psychological- ஆ கஷ்டபடுத்துறாங்க : Dr Somavalliappan
Soma Valliyappan is an Indian writer of Tamil ancestry, speaker, trainer, and an expert in the areas of Human Resource Management, Personality Development, and Financial Investments.
Insurance பணம் எவ்வளவு கிடைக்கும் ?| Dr Soma Valliappan
திருச்சி லலிதா ஜுவல்லரியின் சுவரில் துளையிட்டு 13 கிலோ எடையுள்ள தங்க, வைர நகைகளை கொள்ளையடித்துச் சென்றனர். இரு தினங்களாக பெரும்பரபரப்பை ஏற்படுத்திய இந்த கொள்ளைச் சம்பவம் தொடர்பாக 7 தனிப்படைகள் அமைக்கப்பட்டன.....
Term Insurance எடுப்பதில் எதை முக்கியமா கவனிக்கனும் ? | Dr. Soma Valliappan
Term Insurance - எடுப்பவர்கள் முக்கியமாக கவனிக்க வேண்டிய விஷயங்கள் என்ன ?
இதையெல்லாம் மறக்காம பண்ணுங்க ! | Dr Soma Valliappan
In a merger, there is an anchor bank and an amalgamating bank or banks, where the latter gets merged with the former. For instance, in the consolidation that happened in April of 2019, Vijaya Bank and Dena Bank (amalgamating banks) were merged into Bank of Baroda (the anchor bank). In effect, the...
பொருளாதார சரிவு அச்சுறுத்தும் பின்னணி ! | Dr Soma Valliappan
Money that enters the stock market through investment in a company's shares stays in the stock market, though that share's value does fluctuate based on a number of factors. The money invested initially in a share combined with the current market value of that share determine the net worth of shareholders...
பறிபோகும் வேலை ! தொடரும் அபாயம் | Dr. Soma Valliappan
A prolonged sales slowdown has plunged India, the world’s fourth-largest automobile market, into a labour crisis with tens of thousands of workers losing their jobs in the past few months across automakers and their parts suppliers.Almost 40,000-50,000 workers have been retrenched at Gurugram and Manesar in...
Savings செய்ய சிறந்த வழிகள்! | Soma Valliappan Interview About Income Tax
Soma Valliappan is an Indian writer of Tamil ancestry, speaker, trainer, and an expert in the areas of Human Resource Management, Personality Development, and Financial Investments. In this interview, he gives the benefits and the basic understanding of what is an Income Tax, How it can be...
Finance Management Lessons From Siddharth : Soma Valliappan
He Speaks about Cafe Coffee Day owners personal life and reveals the problems in his financial investments. What went wrong in Siddharth's Life is revealed.
வீட்டு கடன் வாங்கியவர்களுக்கு இன்ப அதிர்ச்சி : Nirmala Sitharaman Budget 2019
Deduction that can be claimed for interest paid on loans for affordable housing was increased by Rs 1.5 lakh.
பணத்தை சேமிக்க உதவும் சில ரகசியங்கள் : Dr. Soma Valliappan
Dr. Soma Valliyappan is a Tamil writer, speaker, trainer, and an expert in the areas of Human Resource Management, Personality development, and Financial Investments.
1 லிட்டர் பெட்ரோலுக்கு ரூ. 45 வரியா ? : Soma Valliappan Reveals the Secret on Petrol Hike
Soma Valliyappan is a Tamil writer, speaker, trainer, and an expert in the areas of Human Resource Management, Personality development, and Financial Investments.
Highlights of Union Budget 2018 : Soma Valliappan Interview | Exclusive
Watch to know the full Budget of the government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi before the country goes to polls. This union budget 2018-19 was presented by Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley.
Highlights of Union Budget 2017 : Soma Valliappan Interview | Review
Finance Minister Arun Jaitley presented the Union Budget 2017, his fourth annual budget, today. Here are the highlights of this year's budget
Jewellery Store Owners will be caught red handed: Financial Analyst Soma Valliappan Interview
In another move to check illegal sale of gold after demonetisation of high-value notes, excise officials have summoned details of sale of the yellow metal and ornaments from over 600 jewellers across 25 cities. The officials of Directorate General of Central Excise Intelligence (DGCEI), an intelligence arm under...
A(cute) Stress - 3
Bottom Line Glitz Digital
access_time7 years ago
Who is your ..........?
A(cute) Stress - 2
Bottom Line Glitz Digital
access_time7 years ago
My view of Stress basically......
A(cute) Stress - 1
Bottom Line Glitz Digital
access_time7 years ago
Acute Stress - know & keep away...
Self Motivation
Bottom Line Glitz Digital
access_time7 years ago
A few points to stay self-motivated
Asset Allocation
Bottom Line Glitz Digital
access_time7 years ago
The concept to reduce the probabilities of loosing
How much? Where? When? Why?
Bottom Line Glitz Digital
access_time7 years ago
The winning strategy.
Your attitude decides your altitude
Bottom Line Glitz Digital
access_time7 years ago
A few points to focus on Attitude
Emotional Connect -  Part 1
Bottom Line Glitz Digital
access_time7 years ago
The emotions connected to money in day to day life.
The Traditional Investment Concept
Bottom Line Glitz Digital
access_time7 years ago
What is fixed in money management / wealth creation ???
The Investment Tool
Bottom Line Glitz Digital
access_time7 years ago
The most sort after Investment Tool to create Wealth.
Collection of Gems
Bottom Line Glitz Digital
access_time7 years ago
A Quick Introspection
Bottom Line Glitz Digital
access_time7 years ago
2017 - a Quick look on the podcasts on Bottomline with Balajee. A few steps ahead. Always ...
A common man's perspective
Bottom Line Glitz Digital
access_time7 years ago
Balancing myths and facts.